About plants, fish and insect whom do not belong in Greece.
Columns Lesvos
About plants, fish and insect whom do not belong in Greece.
Continue(2002-2021) The King of Eftalou is gone after 19 years he took off to heaven or to the eternal hunting fields (as we say in Dutch) that fits better to this small polar bear In …
ContinueAbout seagulls.
ContinueThe new year started with a warm winter.
ContinueThe advantage of corona might be that the Christmas stress for the Christmas Cook might be tempered, because officially you may not cook for grand companies. However, a Christmas Menu still has to be composed, …
ContinueAbout an apple orchard of Aphrodite and 3 recipes: apple puree, – soup and – chutney.
Continuerecipes for salads
ContinueMaking pumpkin soup.
ContinueHarvesting olives during the second lockdown in Greece.
ContinueWhen the earth heavily shook from the earthquake whose epicenter was close to Samos, I didn’t feel a thing until a friend passed by and asked if I was afraid. We both then noticed the …