About the armoured cruiser Georgios Averof and the replica of the Russian frigate Sthandart.
Columns Lesvos
About the armoured cruiser Georgios Averof and the replica of the Russian frigate Sthandart.
ContinueAbout crows and strange birds
ContinueBooks about Molyvos.
ContinueThis morning I met Kiria Vakis who was on her way to the chapel of Agios Georgios. There might be lonely people on the island, but never lonely saints. I myself each day visit this …
ContinueA long time ago I read the story about a German couple, they were utopians, that a century ago started a new life on Floreana, a deserted Galapagos island (The Galapagos Affaire by John Treherne). …
Continueabout corona times and nature.
ContinueThe advantage of corona might be that the Christmas stress for the Christmas Cook might be tempered, because officially you may not cook for grand companies. However, a Christmas Menu still has to be composed, …
ContinueAbout ships, ship building, wooden boats and wooden sunglasses.
ContinueAbout the road-building-fever of Lesvos.
ContinueAbout the musician Terpander from Andissa, also called The Father of the Greek Music.