About the harvest of resin on Lesvos.
Columns Lesvos
About the harvest of resin on Lesvos.
ContinueAbout capers on Lesvos.
ContinueAbout the yellow rhododendron and hemlock.
ContinueAbout orchids and salep, made of orchid tubers.
ContinueAbout St. Valentine and some of his relics in Lesvos.
Continue(Picture: a kafenion in Loutronpoli-Thermi) You will not find the name Epicurus in a list of the best known Greek philosophers like Pythagorion, Socrates, Plato or Aristotle. Although he did found a school of philosophy …
ContinueChristmas times in the East and West and where it all came from.
ContinueRefugee centre Pagani compared to Dante’s Hell.
ContinueAbout snails and a Lesvorian recipe for snails with quinces.
ContinueAbout Demeter, Persephone and the autumn