Almond trees Last week it looked like summer on the island. The sun even chased people dining outside into the shadow and terraces turned into changing rooms. It was nice to observe this ultra mix …
Columns Lesvos
Almond trees Last week it looked like summer on the island. The sun even chased people dining outside into the shadow and terraces turned into changing rooms. It was nice to observe this ultra mix …
Continue(Sykaminia) The island is buzzing like a furious beehive and whoever dares to stand out from the crowd is suspect. Fingers are pointing, mouths tight-lipped, hearts are beating like a drum because of the coming …
ContinueTimes when feelings go all directions.
Continue(the aqueduct of Moria) Last week on Facebook somebody cried that he wanted back his beach. Beaches that in the summer are shadowed by trees and are popular with Greek families are now scattered with …
ContinueLesvos 2015.
ContinueAbout patron saints and Saint Nicholas.
ContinueAbout birds, a butterfly and a duck.
ContinueAbout the rescuers on Lesvos.
ContinueRefugees and garbage.
ContinueExtreme weather and refugees.