About the use of facemasks on the island.
Columns Lesvos
About the use of facemasks on the island.
ContinueAbout ants and their nuisance.
Continue(Kara Tepe 2; photo: internet) It is not for the first time that a huge camp of tents makes history in the North Aegean. More than thousands of years ago BC, in today’s Turkey, not …
ContinueThe ninth month of the year still bears the name of the seventh month. An inheritance from Pre-Christian times, when science endlessly struggled with the months and the moon phases. Along with Greek calendars and …
ContinueAbout ships, ship building, wooden boats and wooden sunglasses.
ContinueFig trees fill the Mediterranean landscape. The fig’s fruit is in fact the core of the blossom. This flower rich plant is the first autumnal fruit. From mid August onwards the ripe fruit seduces you …
ContinueAbout a wildfire in Eftalou.
ContinueA little history of the watermelon.
ContinueAbout the road-building-fever of Lesvos.
ContinueAbout the musician Terpander from Andissa, also called The Father of the Greek Music.