How the many forms of orchids can fool people and animals.
ContinueCategory: Nature
Wild Vegetable Time
About Lent and wild vegetables.
ContinueNature’s playground
About the waterfalls on Lesvos.
ContinueAncient orchids
About early orchids, especially the Robert’s Giant Orchid.
ContinueWar in the olive groves
About a flower that invades the nature of Lesvos.
ContinueAn island full of paradises
About rivers and gardens.
ContinueBalls, Juniper and Christmas Bells
(Green Sponge Balls) There are meatballs, footballs, owl balls, tennis balls, Christmas balls and a lot more balls; but has anyone ever heard of Green Sponge Balls? You could easily hang them on the Christmas …
About the Tower of the Winds and other wind towers.
ContinueOlive scarcity
About a shortage of olives and the countries producing olive oil.
ContinueO, oak tree!
About the oak tree, its acorns and the head of the acorns.